Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The 4th has come and gone - that summer half over mark. Barrington was a perfect spot to start the day with bloodies and mimosas... and parade watching. We got everything cleaned up for the party - and it actually gave us encouragement that the end is in site!! The big project list is down to kitchen completion. The cabinets are in, just crown and base moulding details left. We get measured for counters Friday morning. The stage lights will be wired after that; and the very last piece is the backsplash. Cyd's closet floor needs to go in... hopefully Michael will step up and get that done. Joe is finishing a couple last spots of drywall mud - so that we can prime and paint the first floor bath - and next week have wallpaper! Lots of paint left... but hoping Bennett will take over the paint stick while SWL is out of town the next couple weeks - and get it done! Looking like 2 good weeks could do it; and we can get C + B moved in and set up the last week of the month! Might make our August first trek west after all!!

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