Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day Off!

We've taken the day off to run some errands, pay some bills, and order some parts.  SWL tracked down some venting pipe to move the HVAC feed in the Master Bedroom further down the wall so it's not behind
the bed.  I did the daily Lowes run to get a second closet light fixture, and some electrical boxes to use in the attic.  We arrived home just in time to receive the Restoration Hardware delivery of Dining Room chairs
as well as the Master Bath sconces!  Love them.... and now I can determine how wide I can place the boxes - and then how big the mirror can be.  We're thinking of having a wine walk thru this evening to make a plan for tomorrow.  Our weather has been CRAZY (storms and loss of electricity last night) - but your front yard tree is beginning to bloom!  Gorgeous!

I figured it out once.... but can't find the screen to scale the photos!

1 comment:

  1. i looooooove those restoration chairs!!!!! (we were supposed to get those for our apt!)
