Friday, June 3, 2011

Where did the Week go?!

How can it possibly be Friday already? Progress on Barrington, but still slow going. I think Cyd is beginning to see how many steps it takes to accomplish each task.... sounds so simple to get a room painted... but the prep and coats!! Big stuff today; we got a good foam insulation bid for Cyd's closet... and later in the afternoon they came and did it! DONE. Randy was on site- that's something - and installed the shower floor tile and prepared the whole floor. He also said he'd see us tomorrow! I think that means he'll do the rest of the floor tomorrow, then it will need to dry before he can begin tile on the walls.... Monday? We're crossing our fingers SWL will have his leader come to start the Kitchen floors tomorrow. We'll see; but it would be awesome to have that finished so the cabinets could begin! Cyd and I completed the first coat on Bennett's study - and ran out of steam before we started round 2... beyond the bookcase - tomorrow! It is great to look down the hallway and see color and personality. I've begun to panic a bit.... we only have another full week before our trip - and I can't even list what I hope to have done by then! One day at a time.

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