I'm not sure what we accomplished today. We didn't have a good goal set - that's for sure. SWL is trying to focus on getting the bathrooms ready for the tile installer. That includes some framing around the tubs, some plumbing, some drywall patching, floor leveling, insulating, vapor barriering.... on and on! I got started running a couple new wires in the basement. As usual -
I got hung up - and he had to bail me out. End result was 2 new fixtures hung, 1- over Bennett's work bench, and 2- over the washer/dryer, both on the line that will switch on at the top of the basement stairs. We also indulged in a Sunday Katzingers lunch, and then a meeting with Randy- the tile guy. Now, I'm blogging and SWL has gone back to Lowe's to prepare for a more productive Monday. Meanwhile - C + B (mostly B?!) put in day 2 of stripping their new door!
This is really hard work. I think I'm going to power wash the thing when I get to Columbus..haha