A new face on Barrington Road! I was really excited to get the shutters changed and the front door painted, thinking it would really be a new face to this cute little house. Actually accomplished what I set out to do today too! Funny that the hardest part by far was getting those suckers off the house in the first place. They are fastened with nails that are like a fishing hook... sort of flexible ribs that don't like to come out. Brute force is what it took - and fortunately I didn't go flying off the ladder. I bought a little contraption to turn my regular paint into a spray.... but that was a bust. It was SO tiny it was like spitting out paint drops. A brush worked just fine - and Nanny was happy to assist me on the driveway most of the afternoon. Thanks Mother! So the blow by blow: Dogs to the park, coffee with Cheryl, trip to Lowes, painting shutters and door, visit to see Cheryl & John's new house, dogs/ blading, back to the house to put the doornob back on and lock up!, finished bagging the bushes & swept up the garage, lugged home the shelves and closet door from Bennett's room, spray painted hinges and grates from the sunroom......wine and posting. I feel pretty accomplished! Tomorrow? Cheryl and I may play a bit, and do some planning for her place.... and maybe some bush trimming or even some yardwork at Oakridge?! It is spring today - and gorgeous - yay!
I love the updates and the house looks great. Keep em' coming.